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Study Hall. Empty Study Hall.

Post  sunbern Sun Jul 23, 2023 1:23 pm

Jim wrote:Sam got back to me ... she's comin' ... just got to get this password thing straightened out now.

YIPPEEE ,Yeah this place is hard to get into ,would be easier to join the Masons i reakon .Anyone going to see Oppenheimer ( or already have ? ) The reviews i heard said it was overly long but i am definately going to see it .. What a Face

we are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances    Sir Isaac Newton  

man's search for meaning is the primary motivation in his life   Victor frankl (professor of neurology and psychiatry )                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              All I know is that being "told" stuff is generally attached to "confusion." Why is that? Well, what is it doing? It's keeping you from learning ANYTHING. Welcome to the pissed off world of the anti-aspect. If they're going down, they are taking us with them.       jim 2016

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Study Hall. Empty Re: Study Hall.

Post  Jim Sun Jul 23, 2023 1:38 pm

Oppenheimer ? Never heard of it. scratch

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"People all follow dead end roads and never realize they are indeed dead ends."
(From an experience.)
It isn't that they can't see the solution, it's that they can't see the problem.
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
Once upon a time, in addition to the Secret, there was a legend (and perhaps also a cosmogonic myth), but the superficial men of the Phoenix have forgotten it, and today they conserve only the obscure tradition of some cosmic punishment…
Jorge Luis Borges  Shocked

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Study Hall. Empty Re: Study Hall.

Post  Del. Mon Jul 24, 2023 5:25 am

Looks like it isn't going down well in India..

Hindus call to boycott 'Oppenheimer' movie after condemning a sex scene between Cillian Murphy and Florence Pugh featuring its sacred text the Bhagavad Gita: ‘This is a direct assault’ they said.

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Study Hall. Empty Re: Study Hall.

Post  Jim Mon Jul 24, 2023 6:34 pm

I've been looking around regarding Oppenheimer since I've never heard the story before ... thought this was interesting:

"Mental and behavioral healthcare has changed vastly since the mid-1920s when Oppenheimer began attending therapy in London. He was initially diagnosed with dementia praecox, meaning premature dementia, a term used to describe what we now know as schizophrenia..."


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"People all follow dead end roads and never realize they are indeed dead ends."
(From an experience.)
It isn't that they can't see the solution, it's that they can't see the problem.
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
Once upon a time, in addition to the Secret, there was a legend (and perhaps also a cosmogonic myth), but the superficial men of the Phoenix have forgotten it, and today they conserve only the obscure tradition of some cosmic punishment…
Jorge Luis Borges  Shocked

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Study Hall. Empty Re: Study Hall.

Post  Dreamwalker Tue Jul 25, 2023 12:50 pm

Hi Jim, Bernie, Del

I hope you are all well.

Been a few years has'nt it ???

I can not remember the last time i posted here.
Im not on any social media either.

Well the last few years have been crazy have'nt they. ???

Who would of thought even 5 years ago, we would be told to stay home, not allowed to go out, have to queue to enter a shop and buy food, be told to wear masks, and be paid to sit at home.

I was shocked by the amount of people that obeyed without question, even people who appear to be awake, see through the bullshit, switched on, etc etc.
I worked throughout lockdown, rarely wore a mask, refused to at work, never had any jab, never had covid. All around me people were getting jabbed and continually getting covid or other weird illnesses. Some even questioned it, even as far to say, they thought it was the jabs cos they were fine before, but they would still go get the next one.

My stance was just no way am i getting a jab, i did not trust them, and did not feel i
needed a jab, was happy to trust my own body. I think only the vunerable should of got a jab and stayed home, everyone else should of been able to choose what was best for them. That was my opinion, any one who wanted the jabs etc that is their choice and quite rightly so.

People like me were called selfish, murderers, we should be denied hospital treatment, should be locked up in camps,should never be allowed anywhere. I mean really ??? I did not go anywhere in the beginning apart from work and the supermarket, i did not have covid or any symptoms, I was very low risk for passing anything on to anyone. I was tested twice a week at work, ( we had too), and i never worked in close contact with people ( i am a cleaner in a school and work there twice a day morning and afternoons) and if i had been ill i would of stayed at home.

At times it felt like i was living on a different planet, it was like we had suddenly shifted reality or on to a different timeline. How does the world just stop so fast, with absolutely no foresight as to the damage and problems locking people down was going to cause.

I think all off the things we have seen since, BLM, Just stop oil, the whole trans thing are a result of the lockdowns, people are angry and have no where to direct that anger. I also think that mental illness is part of the problems, especially with young people and i think a lot of that is a direct result of social media, the pressure to look a certain way, or have certain things, the bullying and abuse, the unreal images of how people look or having the perfect, house, family, partner or even meal.

To me all of the above seems extra to what is really going on, especially covid, i dont think it was meant to be that way, im not sure i am explaining myself very well here, but it was'nt meant to be part of the picture

I know i am late to the party and i have derailed the thread. I hope i dont offend anyone with anything i have said above, this is just how i felt and saw things, everyone is free to make their own choices and have their own beliefs. i understand if none of you are interested in what i have written, as i said i know im a little late to the party Very Happy

Almost forgot to say this, on new years eve 2019 going into 2020, my ex and myself went to a hill in the countryside to watch the fireworks over the county, as the clock struck midnight i had a thought come into my mind, that something big was going to happen, something that was going to effect everybody and it was going to be a bad year, i was not sure what it would be just that it would effect everything and everybody.

Anyway i hope you are all doing good, what are you guys up to these days ?? Do you still go to Rendelsham Bernie ? I watched an investigation on youtube the other day at Rendelsham with a youtuber and a guy called Ron, im guessing you know him, He was talking about Brenda and Derek etc. i also watch Paul Sinclairs stuff.

How are you doing Del ?

I know how you are Jim, apologys for going off topic on a tangent.

Its nice to post on here again.


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Study Hall. Empty Re: Study Hall.

Post  Del. Tue Jul 25, 2023 12:53 pm

Based on the life of American theoretical physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, the eponymous film explores his invention of the atomic bomb – and the implications of creating such a deadly weapon.

As an add-on.  whistle

"We urge, on behalf of billion Hindus and timeless tradition of lives being transformed by revered Geeta, to do all that is needed to uphold dignity of their revered book and remove this scene from your film across world."

However, the letter came with a warning: "Should you choose to ignore this appeal it would be deemed as a deliberate assault on Indian civilisation."

Hi Dreamwalker (Sam) Yeah I'm still plodding along, the only thing different now is we've all got older, but hey ho who gives a monkeys. Nice to see you back Sam.. bounce

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Study Hall. Empty Re: Study Hall.

Post  Dreamwalker Tue Jul 25, 2023 2:52 pm

Hi Del

Glad you are okay and still plodding on. Yes, i am 55 now, my body sometimes feel it. Not my mind though Laughing

The days, weeks, months and years fly by now.

Nice to chat with you again, and glad to be back. Smile

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Study Hall. Empty Re: Study Hall.

Post  Jim Tue Jul 25, 2023 3:33 pm

Ahh ... you made it Sam.

Don't worry about being off topic - we just talk in here, bring up stuff we trip over, and that's it. It's just us ... I sealed this place off awhile back - I mean, I was even getting private porn messages from someone in Russia who wasn't even logged in. I had to shut down the main door, email and private messages in here to stop it.


Study Hall. Point%20is

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"People all follow dead end roads and never realize they are indeed dead ends."
(From an experience.)
It isn't that they can't see the solution, it's that they can't see the problem.
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
Once upon a time, in addition to the Secret, there was a legend (and perhaps also a cosmogonic myth), but the superficial men of the Phoenix have forgotten it, and today they conserve only the obscure tradition of some cosmic punishment…
Jorge Luis Borges  Shocked

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Study Hall. Empty Re: Study Hall.

Post  Jim Tue Jul 25, 2023 8:30 pm

Dreamwalker wrote:Yes, i am 55 now, my body sometimes feel it. Not my mind though Laughing

Welcome to the introduction ... your "mind" will get smacked too along the way - I call it CRS ... Can't Remember Shit. rotf

As far as the Covid BS - we weren't trapped in the house, that was a personal decision. Masks were basically personal too. My daughter got the original version, her hubby got a later version - but the old man never got squat. My approach was via nutrition, and it worked well. I never got the shot either. There was no push here to "do" any of this stuff - it was up to you.

As far as the other things you brought up, I simply don't listen to it. The topics may be new, but the approach is basically the same. There's no hope for this planet - people do not think - end of story. dunno

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"People all follow dead end roads and never realize they are indeed dead ends."
(From an experience.)
It isn't that they can't see the solution, it's that they can't see the problem.
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
Once upon a time, in addition to the Secret, there was a legend (and perhaps also a cosmogonic myth), but the superficial men of the Phoenix have forgotten it, and today they conserve only the obscure tradition of some cosmic punishment…
Jorge Luis Borges  Shocked

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Study Hall. Empty Re: Study Hall.

Post  Dreamwalker Tue Jul 25, 2023 10:58 pm

Hi Jim,

I get the occasional can't remember shit Smile

I was shocked by the amount of people that did follow the rules, especially those that usually call stuff out, The Russell Brand type people, probably not a great example, maybe David Icke would be a better example but he was going down the route of 5g causing it. Most were'nt saying anything. Are people that easy to convince and just follow all the rules without question?

The red flags, warning sighns, whatever were there from the beginning, first of all no stopping of flights into the U.K, we are an island, should of been very easy to lock it down, but no we will just lock people down, while allowing anyone into the country. The next one was being told there was no need for masks, ( making sure they had enough for themselves , before realising they were mostly useless) if a mask is slipping down your face while you talk, or has gaps at the side, do you really think its doing anything to protect you??

I am really trying not to offend anyone but f.f.s really w.t.a.f

Then the. N.H.S heroes, being given special treatment, why?, you chose to do a job caring for sick people, okay many are bloody fantastic, but the majority were not working on the frontline, and many hospitals were not overun, being allowed to the front of the queue at supermarkets ?? all because someone got upset cos the supermarkets had run out of something they wanted so they complained on social media, and the whole clap for the N.H.S was born.
To me a firefighter is a hero, search and rescue are heroes somebody who puts themselves in danger to save others. It was something else that people just blindly followed, people calling others out cos they didnt stand on their doorsteps and clap. People being encouraged by the media and government to grass on their neighbours, family or freinds if they broke lockdown rules.... i mean what year were we living in....

Do you see how easily everything can change and how many people would just follow what they are told by the media, how easy it is to fool the masses and get the majority of the people to obey without question through fear. and now they know just how easy it would be....

Jim, i agree with you, There is no hope for the planet, everything is so negative these days, i used to think things would change for the better, not so much anymore.

On a different note, strange how these types of forums attract so many trolls, debunkers, or just troublemakers, we arent doing any harm to anyone, just discussing things, so whats the problem, (thinking back to all the stuff that happened on the various u.f.o forums we were on)

Again, i mean no offence with anything i have written above. I did'nt discuss any of it apart from with a couple of freinds, my family and my ex. I was interested in how you guys viewed it all at the time and now with hindsight.



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Study Hall. Empty Re: Study Hall.

Post  Jim Wed Jul 26, 2023 10:50 am

Dreamwalker wrote: Hi Jim,
Are people that easy to convince and just follow all the rules without question?

Sam ... ignore it. This stuff has been going on for the last 14,000 rounded years. The religious elite started it, and after awhile the common people tried  to shut it down. An example is:

However, whereas in other parts of the globe the development of this kind
of class society proceeded further (cf. parallels to Central American
civilizations), history in Southeast Anatolia took a completely different
turn. On a certain day 9200 years ago the manorial houses at the north side
of the large square in Çayönü were burnt down, and this happened so fast
that the owners were not able to save any of their treasures (Davis 1998:
259/2, 260/2). The temple was torn down and burnt, and even the floor
was ripped open (Schirmer 1983: 467, 1990: 384), the stone pillars around
the free space were taken down and the taller of them were broken up
(Özdogan and Özdogan 1989: 74, Özdogan 1999a: fig. 41, fig. 42). The
place itself – previously maintained and kept meticulously clean for more
than 1000 years - was converted into a municipal waste dump (Özdogan
and Özdogan 1989: 72/1, Özdogan 1997: 15).
After a short chaotic transition all houses had been torn down. The slums
in the west disappeared for good, but only a few steps away from the spot
where the ruins of the manorial houses had burnt the new Çayönü was
erected. The new houses were comparable in size to the old manors
(Schirmer 1988: 148-149) but there were no more houses or shacks built
to an inferior standard (see sequence of plans in Özdogan 1999a: fig. 35,
fig. 46, fig. 47). In all houses, work was done (Özdogan 1999a: 53/1) and
all hints to social differences were erased (Özdogan 1999a: fig. 47, fig. 50,
also see Schirmer 1988: 148-149).


Then too, there was the burial of Gobekli Tepe. The problem is, it didn't work. By 3200 BC Sumer and Egypt popped up, and it has been CONTROL ever since, with the addition of "government" coming soon.

What this has done to the brains of the common people over the last 5000 rounded years, seems irreparable.

Like I said, ignore it. There are things we have to figure out if we can, and that other crap just sends us down the wrong road.


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"People all follow dead end roads and never realize they are indeed dead ends."
(From an experience.)
It isn't that they can't see the solution, it's that they can't see the problem.
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
Once upon a time, in addition to the Secret, there was a legend (and perhaps also a cosmogonic myth), but the superficial men of the Phoenix have forgotten it, and today they conserve only the obscure tradition of some cosmic punishment…
Jorge Luis Borges  Shocked

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Study Hall. Empty Re: Study Hall.

Post  Dreamwalker Wed Jul 26, 2023 1:59 pm

I wonder why people feel the need to follow, why they don't trust themselves. is it a safety in numbers type thing? , as in " it must be right if everyone else is doing it"
or a way to make sense of everything say with religion. Fear plays a big part in all of it i think.

Though some people will go on to research, find out everything they can about whatever the subject is as a way to learn about or alleviate any fears, to find out where the truth lies as much as that is possible these days

I do question myself a lot, and waiver at times, i once almost succumbed to getting the jab for instance, after a long time of not wanting it, i actually booked it, i got ill with a normal cold a couple of days before, and that was it, to me it was a sign to not get it.

another time i was doing a ghost hunt at a famously haunted place in the city i live, we were in a group and had being given a talk about this really bad,evil judge, there were two portraits on the wall and we had to go stand in front of the one we believed to be evil, everyone went to the portrait on the the right, but i went to the one on the left, thought i was probably wrong but stayed there as there was just something in the eyes of the portrait, and that was the right one.

Guess what i'm trying to say is if i go with my gut feeling its generally right, the times i have changed my mind i end up regretting it.

Does everyone get gut feelings, do they ignore them or not trust them, or don't even notice because of all the distractions around us, and the loud voices of the media, government, religious leaders, and even celebrities.

I know none of this matters because we are pretty much doomed at this point. affraid

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Study Hall. Empty Re: Study Hall.

Post  Jim Wed Jul 26, 2023 4:09 pm

Dreamwalker wrote:I wonder why people feel the need to follow, why they don't trust themselves.  is it a safety in numbers type thing? , as in " it must be right if everyone else is doing it"
or a way to make sense of everything say with religion. Fear plays a big part in all of it i think.

It has to do with thinking ... and the bottom line is, people don't think. They have a small amount of info, and, that's all they need. It's called the Dunning-Kruger Effect. People who don't think simply follow the people who they THINK are thinking.  chuckle

The Dunning-Kruger effect is a type of cognitive bias in which people believe they are smarter and more capable than they are. Essentially, low-ability people do not possess the skills needed to recognize their own incompetence. The combination of poor self-awareness and low cognitive ability leads them to overestimate their capabilities.

Dreamwalker wrote:
Though some people will go on to research, find out everything they can about whatever the subject is as a way to learn about or alleviate any fears, to find out where the truth lies as much as that is possible these days

I do question myself a lot, and waiver at times, i once almost succumbed to getting the jab for instance, after a long time of not wanting it, i actually booked it, i got ill with a normal cold a couple of days before, and that was it, to me it was a sign to not get it.

another time i was doing a ghost hunt at a famously haunted place in the city i live, we were in a group and had being given a talk about this really bad,evil judge, there were two portraits on the wall and we had to go stand in front of the one we believed to be evil, everyone went to the portrait on the the right, but i went to the one on the left, thought i was probably wrong but stayed there as there was just something in the eyes of the portrait, and that was the right one.

Guess what i'm trying to say is if i go with my gut feeling its generally right, the times i have changed my mind i end up regretting it.

Does everyone get gut feelings, do they ignore them or not trust them, or don't even notice because of all the distractions around us, and the loud voices of the media, government, religious leaders, and even celebrities.

I know none of this matters because we are pretty much doomed at this point. affraid

Gut feelings are what they are, but without a full understanding, I find it a bit pointless. I've done my own paranormal study as well ... for a long time I watched what other people were doing, but I wanted to know what would happen if I did my own study. Bottom line - it's definitely there.
Knowing the paranormal does exist, opens the door to people's experiences giving a broader selection of possible answers. This has a big tie-in to NDEs where the people were not proven flat line brain dead. If they weren't flat lined, and they met characters like Jesus ... since it's easy to prove Jesus was not the person he claimed to be, who did these people REALLY meet?

Then too, there are children who think they've had other lives and are again reincarnated. Really? If this was true why don't we ALL have this picture in our heads? Then there's the enigma of the population level over the last 50,000 or so years. Finally, there's the problem that reincarnation was a belief that didn't mature to anything like we've heard until around 300 BC. Before that, the explanation sounded like this:

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad:
"Upon reaching the moon, they become food. There the gods enjoy them,
just as the priests enjoy the drink of Soma watching the moon wax and
wane. When that ends they enter into space, from space into air, from air
into rain, from rain into the earth. Then they are again offered in the fire of
man, and from there into the fire of a woman so that they can go again to
the other worlds. Thus, they keep rotating." …

According to the explanations:
When the souls fall down upon earth, they enter the plants through water.
Some of the plants are consumed by animals. When both the plants and
animals are consumed by men, they become part of their semen.

We've been lied to for thousands of years ... and unless people start putting this picture together correctly, like you said - people are all pretty much doomed at this point. chuckle

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"People all follow dead end roads and never realize they are indeed dead ends."
(From an experience.)
It isn't that they can't see the solution, it's that they can't see the problem.
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
Once upon a time, in addition to the Secret, there was a legend (and perhaps also a cosmogonic myth), but the superficial men of the Phoenix have forgotten it, and today they conserve only the obscure tradition of some cosmic punishment…
Jorge Luis Borges  Shocked

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Study Hall. Empty Re: Study Hall.

Post  sunbern Wed Jul 26, 2023 5:05 pm

Jim wrote:Ahh ... you made it Sam.  

Don't worry about being off topic - we just talk in here, bring up stuff we trip over, and that's it. It's just us ... I sealed this place off awhile back - I mean, I was even getting private porn messages from someone in Russia who wasn't even logged in. I had to shut down the main door, email and private messages in here to stop it.


Good move too .This place is our exclusive `get it off your chest` place and long may it continue,It's lovely to have you back here Sam kind of balances things up a bit since Brenda has now got so many problems with her internet ( it's absolutely awful where she lives in Suffolk ).she tries to get here when she can but i kind of think she has fallen out of favour with her laptop.I phone her daily Sam. never miss and if i do just once she wants to know if i am ok .She is a very special lady and when i get the chance i go to see her .She had quite a bad stroke about two years ago and so finds it very difficult to walk in the forest now I think the world of her and i guess it's because like all the rest of us she is most definately out of a totally different mould to mostly all the rest of humanity.I think i can safely say that also like you we are mistrustfull of anyone in authority and it seems wherever you turn these days `they` are trying to shepherd us and control us to a point where they know what we are doing how we are spending our money and the information they have on us from these things is quite staggering .Yes we live in a fast changing world and we had quite a chat about A I a few pages back it scares me to be honest but all we can do is watch from the sidelines as it unfolds ..Anyway we had a, choose a topic period ( also a few pages back ) so choose away we hav'nt changed although a bit of water has flowed under the old bridge we're still cloggin along lol
Yeah that film oppenheimer has just been released here Jim .I want to see it because back then when the atom bomb was first created it was in uncertain times and i liken it to where we are today with the world in turmoil i'm guessing there are similarities in many ways to how ordinary people felt back then .Good night everyone ,sleep well ...

we are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances    Sir Isaac Newton  

man's search for meaning is the primary motivation in his life   Victor frankl (professor of neurology and psychiatry )                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              All I know is that being "told" stuff is generally attached to "confusion." Why is that? Well, what is it doing? It's keeping you from learning ANYTHING. Welcome to the pissed off world of the anti-aspect. If they're going down, they are taking us with them.       jim 2016

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Study Hall. Empty Re: Study Hall.

Post  Dreamwalker Wed Jul 26, 2023 5:22 pm

Yep the whole reincarnation thing puzzles me. i would be more inclined to believe it if you were reincarnated to Joe Bloggs from anywhere, than all the people who claim to be Cleopatra or Henry the 8th, why would there be so many of the same person if this was true. Or is it that there is a certain amount of humans, and we all just keep getting recycled and at times little things go wrong that gives people the memories, or even its spirit communication with the experiencer and those memories are being passed on

I also have started thinking along the lines of that no one is really communicating with their freinds, family or relatives that have died, and that whatever we are communicating with is all seeing, all knowing, can pretend to be anyone or anything, but it is not who we think it is.

I would go further to say that i also think this can appear to be anything to anyone at any time, be that a spirit, bigfoot, or anything else in the paranormal realm.

That is why no matter what we look at there is never any answers or absolute proof of anything, be that for or against.

Things that i have experienced going back a few years, still no answers, other than i was interacting with something that could physically stop me from doing something, hold my arms, stop me from speaking, cause things to happen in my home and to me, what that was i still do not really know, or WHY.

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Study Hall. Empty Re: Study Hall.

Post  Dreamwalker Wed Jul 26, 2023 5:38 pm

Hi Bernie,
Nice to speak to you again, i am glad you are okay.

I am so sorry to hear about Brenda, please send my love to her.

I agree with everything you have said Bernie, its all just so crazy now, . also the whole A.I thing is bloody scary. I read somewhere a while ago that there are supermarkets that have robots milling about, i think they are only to clean spillages etc, and i dont remember which supermarket, i believe they are in the U.S.A. People have said they are creepy. It would definitely creep me out.

I used to be terrified of the daleks when i was young, and also a vague memory of a tv show that i think had something to do with pylons, and it seeming quite scary, im sure they could move or something, they were bad anyway, it caused all technology to go crazy i think. or perhaps its my memory lol.


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Post  Jim Wed Jul 26, 2023 6:22 pm

Dreamwalker wrote: Yep the whole reincarnation thing puzzles me.

It has to be viewed in the context of the 3000 years of religious history that came before it. Even the idea of GOD develops into a question if you look at the history that gave birth to the idea...and that didn't start until the mid 1300s BC.

Dreamwalker wrote:
I also have started thinking along the lines of that no one is really communicating with their friends, family or relatives that have died, and that whatever we are communicating with is all seeing, all knowing, can pretend to be anyone or anything, but it is not who we think it is.

I would go further to say that i also think this can appear to be anything to anyone at any time, be that a spirit, bigfoot, or anything else in the paranormal realm.

That is why no matter what we look at there is never any answers or absolute proof of anything, be that for or against.

Things that i have experienced going back a few years, still no answers, other than i was interacting with something that could physically stop me from doing something, hold my arms, stop me from speaking, cause things to happen in my home and to me, what that was i still do not really know, or WHY.

The direction I went regarding the WHY aspect, was psychology. If the things happening to you are basically "non-empathic" then you are dealing with a non-empathic ex-human (psychopath / narcissist ... whatever) who more than likely refuses to pass-over to the other side. They enjoy busting chops, and especially now when they can't be seen.

Kind of like what I said earlier about ignoring it, the same holds true here. It's like - I woke up in the middle of the night with this feeling (like in the NDEs) of being surrounded by love. I had absolutely NO idea what that was about, who it was from, or what it meant - if anything. So ... I ignored it. It could had been paranormal for all I know - and if I can't figure it out - oh well. It's really a lot easier on your head if you ignore it. chuckle

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"People all follow dead end roads and never realize they are indeed dead ends."
(From an experience.)
It isn't that they can't see the solution, it's that they can't see the problem.
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
Once upon a time, in addition to the Secret, there was a legend (and perhaps also a cosmogonic myth), but the superficial men of the Phoenix have forgotten it, and today they conserve only the obscure tradition of some cosmic punishment…
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Post  Dreamwalker Wed Jul 26, 2023 9:42 pm

I guess it is a human fault , always wanting to know why? The age old question, i think that's a good thing possibly, it keeps us searching for the answer, going deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole, but then again ,it drives us crazy too, some more than others, even leading to death in some cases.

Whether we get answers or not, those experiences help us to grow and learn and shape our beliefs.

I have felt that love twice, the first time was not long after my grandad died, i was about 19, i think i have posted about it before , but i had a dream, where i was with my grandad , we were in the most beautiful garden, it was warm and sunny and i was chatting to my grandad, it was like the very air surrounding us was pure love, it was very overwhelming, and i knew i had to come back, but i didn't want to leave that feeling or place because it was so incredible, so peaceful and amazing. It was also very real, more than a normal dream.

The second was during the time when everything was going crazy for me, when the stuff i posted about earlier had just started kicking off, myself and three others involved were told to be online at a certain time together, it was on skype, and to recite a certain prayer, all manner of things kicked off here as i was trying to recite that prayer (given my feelings on religion), i could barely get the words out and had to really fight to say them, not sure why, the chair i was sat on was being pulled backwards and i had to grab my desk to stop i it being pulled away, there was a growl in my room and what felt like a wind or energy in the room, i was alone apart from my kids sleeping upstairs. after i had actually managed to say it, everything went calm and quiet and i felt this warmth and love surround me, it was very strong and intense and only lasted a few minutes, it was like a cocoon just surrounding me. I don't for one minute believe that was anything religious... but we had said that prayer.


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Study Hall. Empty Re: Study Hall.

Post  Jim Thu Jul 27, 2023 11:23 am

Dreamwalker wrote:I guess it is a human fault , always wanting to know why? The age old question, i think that's a good thing possibly, it keeps us searching for the answer, going deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole, but then again ,it drives us crazy too, some more than others, even leading to death in some cases.

I've had experiences since the mid-'50s. The basic difference regarding the methodology is that I had to find the answers. In other words, there is a really big difference between "classical teaching" and "constructivism." In classical teaching experiences where the answers are "handed to you" ... you could have been lied to and never know it. In constructivism YOU have to figure it out, based on what boils down to a "clue" - and yeah, it can take a LONG time.

A good example is the "love" feelings you and I went through. Mine had NO explanatory data, yours had data. Mine gets written off because there's no way to say what was going on. Yours is what you think it might be, as I wasn't there when it happened.

If people actually used this constructivist methodology and broke everything down the best they could, we'd be in a much better situation today.

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"People all follow dead end roads and never realize they are indeed dead ends."
(From an experience.)
It isn't that they can't see the solution, it's that they can't see the problem.
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
Once upon a time, in addition to the Secret, there was a legend (and perhaps also a cosmogonic myth), but the superficial men of the Phoenix have forgotten it, and today they conserve only the obscure tradition of some cosmic punishment…
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Post  sunbern Thu Jul 27, 2023 2:40 pm

WOW ,do you two ever come up for a breather bounce ,so much content there ,you obviously had a lot you wanted to tell us Sam and i knew you would liven our little clan here up ,all i can say is thank you for sharing so much of what is incredibly personal to you with us .We have all experienced varying degrees of unexplainable phenomena for want of a better description and i can so identify with gut feelings ,i do act on them all the time . i hear voices that tell me not to drive along that particular road or " don't believe that" .i feel certain i have a guide that has my back and i sure as hell listen to what i am told by her..I was scared witless by those first daleks too and those zombie half human half machine beings ? in the william Hartnel period when it was all new ... i hid behind the sofa so they would'nt see me and walk out of the tv and assimilate me .This was in an era not that long after war of the worlds when people were gullible to such things including me you can see where star trek got their inspiration to create the borg but strange as it may seem that fear seems almost too real to me we are already making body replacement parts from many different materials so half man half machine beings that gain access to A.I technology does'nt seem so far fetched to me anymore and it is easy to see where the seed for the film terminator was planted.The future is very scarey in so many ways I don't trust `rogue` countries to play by our rules tbh ,Dammit i dont even trust our leaders to so maybe we have been dealt the death by fire card to cleanse the planet once again .i said on here before, that i think` they` have got what they want from us now and they have planted some kind of death wish into our leaders to get the job done cos they are definately following a different agenda to the one they signed up to affraid ..

we are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances    Sir Isaac Newton  

man's search for meaning is the primary motivation in his life   Victor frankl (professor of neurology and psychiatry )                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              All I know is that being "told" stuff is generally attached to "confusion." Why is that? Well, what is it doing? It's keeping you from learning ANYTHING. Welcome to the pissed off world of the anti-aspect. If they're going down, they are taking us with them.       jim 2016

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Study Hall. Empty Re: Study Hall.

Post  Dreamwalker Thu Jul 27, 2023 2:44 pm

I think i would rather try and figure it out and try to find answers, than it all being handed to you on a plate. After all , one size doesn't fit all. I think a lot of stuff we experience is personal and only has meaning to that person. whether we know that meaning or not.

Its a bit like horoscopes, or dream meanings in a book or on a website, that has to be what the author, thinks, feels or understands, it may be right for them buy not anybody else.

It would also go some way to explaining, why two people can see the same thing or have the same paranormal experience and having completely different experiences of that event. Or why someone has a sighting of a u.f.o but no one else sees it, maybe it is just for that person at that time only.

Something else is why are beings/ aliens always given a status of being highly intelligent, whenever anyone talks about that subject, highly intelligent is always mentioned. Do we have any reason to either know or believe that to be true, is there any evidence of this anywhere. having the ability to do something we cant doesn't equal  intelligence. Or is it more talk originating from the powers that be to make us fearful or not want to explore that subject, as in keeping it all under wraps

Do you think all the u.f.o stuff in the media of late or the meetings in congress will lead anywhere??  (i probably know the answer).

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Study Hall. Empty Re: Study Hall.

Post  sunbern Thu Jul 27, 2023 2:50 pm

Apologies for not trying to answer all of your questions Sam ,you are gushing forth like a supervolcano but i am sure Jim will be up to the job Very Happy Iam very busy at the moment with my work so if i miss a bit apologies but will try to read all even if i cant always reply .Must say having you back is like a breath of fresh air but my two mates here ( they always will be my friends) are fantastic company and it's just a great place to come after exposure to the madhouse that is our modern world now .Long may it continue ...

we are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances    Sir Isaac Newton  

man's search for meaning is the primary motivation in his life   Victor frankl (professor of neurology and psychiatry )                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              All I know is that being "told" stuff is generally attached to "confusion." Why is that? Well, what is it doing? It's keeping you from learning ANYTHING. Welcome to the pissed off world of the anti-aspect. If they're going down, they are taking us with them.       jim 2016

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Post  Dreamwalker Thu Jul 27, 2023 3:03 pm

Lol Bernie Very Happy

I have missed chatting like this for ages. i found an old email from here which allowed me to find the forum again, i emailed Jim on the off chance that he had the same email and luckily he did.

Ive tried to find the name of the the tv series i mentioned, im sure it was on early evening, that it was a one word title and i seem to think it was on the b.b.c. i remember people in the show looking at the pylons in fear and like i said im 'sure they moved, but i could have that mixed up. I've seen people mention that show over the years but i now can not remember the name.

Yes, i saw something about them growing body parts in a lab, and talk of them believing they will be able to basically grow a baby in time to come. That's scary, it would be soulless.

I agree the agenda has changed, i think that's why covid happened, i mean it sure wasn't a flipping bat.

I have also been saying to people for a few years now, they need to be watching that country.

As for the daleks, Bernie , imagine our horror if way back then they had the ability to fly as they do now. affraid


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Post  Dreamwalker Thu Jul 27, 2023 3:06 pm

School holidays at the moment Bernie, i wont be posting this much when i am back at work. Thankyou for what you said, im happy your happy Very Happy

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Study Hall. Empty Re: Study Hall.

Post  Jim Thu Jul 27, 2023 5:59 pm

sunbern wrote:WOW ,do you two ever come up for a breather bounce


Dreamwalker wrote:Something else is why are beings / aliens always given a status of being highly intelligent, whenever anyone talks about that subject, highly intelligent is always mentioned. Do we have any reason to either know or believe that to be true, is there any evidence of this anywhere. having the ability to do something we cant doesn't equal  intelligence. Or is it more talk originating from the powers that be to make us fearful or not want to explore that subject, as in keeping it all under wraps

Do you think all the u.f.o stuff in the media of late or the meetings in congress will lead anywhere??  (i probably know the answer).

Years back my question was: Is it as bad 'up there' as it is 'down here' ... or, is this 'something else' (paranormal) ... or is it both?

According to the info Nicap has that goes back to the 1800s, if there was something "they" wanted ... they could have taken it a LONG time ago...but, nothing has happened.

The only complaint has been scary "abductions" and it needs to be asked - was that REALLY "them?"

There's also another question regarding what we call an "afterlife." Do you think that this scenario is "just for us?" Or, would it include every life out there in space?

There's also the problem of the simple fact that, regardless of what ET "looks like" ... based on what info we have, they are bipedal JUST LIKE US. They have a brain encased in a skull that sits on shoulders with two arms, a body with two legs and feet so they can walk around just like us.  Hmm ... was life here genetically manipulated to create a bipedal race of (trying to be) intelligent beings here on earth? hmm

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"People all follow dead end roads and never realize they are indeed dead ends."
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G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
Once upon a time, in addition to the Secret, there was a legend (and perhaps also a cosmogonic myth), but the superficial men of the Phoenix have forgotten it, and today they conserve only the obscure tradition of some cosmic punishment…
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