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Post  Del. Sun Jun 28, 2015 7:38 am

The suspense is killing me....... chuckle

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Post  Jim Sun Jun 28, 2015 10:30 am

Yeah well if this goes in the direction the rest did, we have a problem. Too early to say yet.

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"People all follow dead end roads and never realize they are indeed dead ends."
(From an experience.)
It isn't that they can't see the solution, it's that they can't see the problem.
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
Once upon a time, in addition to the Secret, there was a legend (and perhaps also a cosmogonic myth), but the superficial men of the Phoenix have forgotten it, and today they conserve only the obscure tradition of some cosmic punishment…
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Post  Jim Mon Jun 29, 2015 10:08 am

I was watching something on TV yesterday that mentioned the fight or flight response. It added a third parameter called "freeze" ... where you either fight, get the hell out of the situation, or just freeze in your tracks. When I looked this up it seems there is a fourth parameter to the picture called the fawn response, where basically you just give up and do whatever needs to be done "to try to gain favor by acting servilely; cringe and flatter [or] to show affection in a solicitous or exaggerated way ( and "to exhibit affection or attempt to please [or] to seek favor or attention by flattery and obsequious behavior." (

What was running in my head was people and their unconscious response to the UFO / ET subject. They like to stay in what would be for them "safe" material - like sightings - and they never seem to go beyond that. Then there is the "going 'round and around in circles" phenomena, looking at the same freaking material, over and over again. Why? It's "safe." Then I come along with a completely different approach, and we all know what happens. People have gone as far as to get angry, and say some really nasty things.

Anyway, I began to ponder this in a context of post traumatic stress, which allegedly is linked to abductions. I have my own views on abduction, and I believe we are being mentally played with by a completely different cast of characters.

But the "fear" aspect regarding people who have NOT gone through the abduction scenario is also very real. They read about it, and subconsciously are worried about it ... "will it happen to me?" This creates "dreams" that aren't real, and the "day residue" data factor kicks in - people read or hear stuff, and "think about it" and get "weird stuff" during the night, or "see stuff" during the day. All of this "stuff" creates a bizarre information "wall" in the heads of people, which is totally contradictory to a "help because it is coming" scenario. If my information is right (and remember, I was never directly "told" anything) then this "fear-based stuff" is a deliberate ploy to stop people in their tracks, and would boil down to the creation of something that would be categorized as a "secondary post traumatic stress" effect.

Primary post traumatic stress disorder may be diagnosed in an individual who experienced, witnessed or was confronted with a traumatic event and responded with intense fear, helplessness or horror.

Secondary trauma is defined as indirect exposure to trauma through a firsthand account or narrative of a traumatic event.

This article deals with a "secondary traumatization phenomena in health care professionals" - but the idea is the same. The vast majority of "humans" are viewers of the believed "trauma" inflicted on the alleged abductees, and they are confronted with a choice: flight, fight, freeze, or fawn. But what if it's not real? What if it's a show put on to do exactly what it's doing - confusing the living shit out of people?

This is just my 2-cents, and what happens sometimes when I watch TV chuckle

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"People all follow dead end roads and never realize they are indeed dead ends."
(From an experience.)
It isn't that they can't see the solution, it's that they can't see the problem.
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
Once upon a time, in addition to the Secret, there was a legend (and perhaps also a cosmogonic myth), but the superficial men of the Phoenix have forgotten it, and today they conserve only the obscure tradition of some cosmic punishment…
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Post  Dreamwalker Mon Jun 29, 2015 3:41 pm

What about those that have experienced stuff but didnt have the fear guessing you dont and neither do i,i would bet theres quite a few who feel similar,i would go more towards hoping it would happen to me so i could find out stuff.consciously too,i would want to experience it.

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Post  Jim Mon Jun 29, 2015 4:00 pm

As much as I can say is that my experiences were so different, I looked at the abduction thing 22 years ago - and simply didn't get it; it literally made no sense to me. As far as other people go, it would take a complete reevaluation of each experience with a bottom line that rested on exactly WHAT they allegedly "learned." A great comparison is the alleged "spiritual / contact" reincarnation picture; they have (in some cases) hard data, but it's all pure BS from start to finish. There are people claiming "new humans" are coming ... really? got proof? OH ... ET told you so ... sorry, I don't believe it.

"Scary" is an aspect ... there are "non-scary" too, but for some reason whistle the information is unprovable. I don't even have to worry about my information, because I was never "told ANYTHING" ... if there's an error, I made it.

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"People all follow dead end roads and never realize they are indeed dead ends."
(From an experience.)
It isn't that they can't see the solution, it's that they can't see the problem.
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
Once upon a time, in addition to the Secret, there was a legend (and perhaps also a cosmogonic myth), but the superficial men of the Phoenix have forgotten it, and today they conserve only the obscure tradition of some cosmic punishment…
Jorge Luis Borges  Shocked

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Post  Dreamwalker Mon Jun 29, 2015 4:58 pm

If they were not abducted as we understand it what do you think those people experienced,i mean there are many similar accounts regarding the fear aspect,something was obviously going on,so if they actually were not being taken aboard a ship,what could cause such detailed experiences in some cases.i believe it cant be hallucinations or anything of that type,nor hypnosis,so what is going on could a paranormal experience produce these same things over and over from different types of people.

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Post  Jim Mon Jun 29, 2015 5:57 pm

Dreamwalker wrote:If they were not abducted as we understand it what do you think those people experienced,i mean there are many similar accounts regarding the fear aspect,something was obviously going on,so if they actually were not being taken aboard a ship,what could cause such detailed experiences in some cases.

What I call spiritual (for lack of a better word) data transfer ... I believe my "weird" experiences were rooted in that, at least in part. Information is piped directly into your brain while you sleep - and it seems so real you believe it. As far as wounds, how hard is that to do? People driving cars are followed by balls of light, or what they perceive to be UFOs. Are they? Or is it some paranormal manifestation? The bottom line is that IF they are here to help, why the hell would they defeat their own approach by scaring people? It makes no sense.

i believe it cant be hallucinations or anything of that type,nor hypnosis,so what is going on could a paranormal experience produce these same things over and over from different types of people.

Do we have any idea how many "spirits" we are dealing with? All I know is that human / spirit collaborations have been going on for a LONG time. When I see the Bohemian Grove pics, that is the picture that flops around in my head. Maybe it isn't going on "on the surface" - but it can very well be going on under the surface. And let's face it, the key to our picture emerged via the esoteric aspect - how deep do you think this crap goes? Is this just a "side-show" ... or a human / spiritual collaboration? We have the Grove, and we have "higher-ups" in the govt picture at the Grove, and we have what looks like an esoteric / paranormal "worship" picture. I just find it odd ... the govt tells us nothing, and the picture regarding ET is loaded with things that go bump in the night, and do nothing but scare the hell out of people.

(I had to change the pic ... seems the other one wasn't working.)
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"People all follow dead end roads and never realize they are indeed dead ends."
(From an experience.)
It isn't that they can't see the solution, it's that they can't see the problem.
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
Once upon a time, in addition to the Secret, there was a legend (and perhaps also a cosmogonic myth), but the superficial men of the Phoenix have forgotten it, and today they conserve only the obscure tradition of some cosmic punishment…
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Post  Jim Tue Jun 30, 2015 3:53 am

Over the last few days I took a shot with FREE's forum which is a private / hidden forum for experiencers only. In the context of the above idea, this was posted. What does it sound like to you - just BS, schizophrenia, or was something really going on? (I added the link to the text.)

I AM IN CONTACT 24-7 and the person from Sirius is Ba-Geet. I made contact through the Gilliland Ranch the Felines are very loving She has been coming to me in spirit form for four years and she has brought me 5thdimensional unity mind spirit connection. During the last couple of years I have been visited by Ascended masters ,Arcturion ,Pleiadians , Annunaki , I am being told that I am a light worker three years ago I had no idea what they were talking about, Now I know !

Stuff like this drives me UP THE WALL! WTF is it with these people? This post sat for two months until I walked in ... I had to say something.

If we were take just one single aspect of that picture as a starting point, The Anunnaki, and ask one single question - like "What does a Sumerian scholar think of these Anunnaki beings?" the answer shows that either people do not read anything in depth to find answers, or, the scholars themselves are all wrong.

The UFO subject is a complete and total disaster, and either people start doing what needs to be done to straighten it out, or, we might as well close the doors on it.

The work of Zecharia Sitchin was brought to my attention in 2001, shortly after I completed my book, The Facade. As a trained scholar in ancient Semitic languages with a lifelong interest in UFOs and paranormal phenomena, I was naturally enthused about Mr. Sitchin's studies, particularly since I had also heard he was a Sumerian scholar. I thought I had found a kindred spirit. Unfortunately, I was wrong. Zecharia Sitchin is not a scholar of ancient languages. What he has written in his books could neither pass peer review nor is it informed by factual data from the primary sources. I have yet to find anyone with credentials or demonstrable expertise in Sumerian, Akkadian, or any of the other ancient Semitic languages who has positively assessed Mr. Sitchin's academic work.

The reader must realize that the substance of my disagreement is not due to "translation philosophy," as though Mr. Sitchin and I merely disagree over possible translations of certain words. When it comes to the Mesopotamian sources, what is at stake is the integrity of the cuneiform tablets themselves, along with the legacy of Sumer and Mesopotamian scribes. Very simply, the ancient Mesopotamians compiled their own dictionaries - we have them and they have been published since the mid-20th century. The words Mr. Sitchin tells us refer to rocket ships have no such meanings according to the ancient Mesopotamians themselves. Likewise when Mr. Sitchin tells readers things like the Sumerians believed there were twelve planets, the Anunnaki were space travelers, Nibiru was the supposed 12th planet, etc., he is simply fabricating data. It isn't a question of how he translates texts; the issue is that these ideas don't exist in any cuneiform text at all. To persist in embracing Mr. Sitchin's views on this matter (and a host of others) amounts to rejecting the legacy of the ancient Sumerian and Akkadian scribes whose labors have come down to us from the ages. Put bluntly, is it more coherent to believe a Mesopotamian scribe's definition of a word, or Mr. Sitchin's?

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"People all follow dead end roads and never realize they are indeed dead ends."
(From an experience.)
It isn't that they can't see the solution, it's that they can't see the problem.
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
Once upon a time, in addition to the Secret, there was a legend (and perhaps also a cosmogonic myth), but the superficial men of the Phoenix have forgotten it, and today they conserve only the obscure tradition of some cosmic punishment…
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Post  Del. Tue Jun 30, 2015 5:30 am

Dreamwalker wrote:What about those that have experienced stuff but didnt have the fear guessing you dont and neither do i,i would bet theres quite a few who feel similar,i would go more towards hoping it would happen to me so i could find out stuff.consciously too,i would want to experience it.

I know what you are saying DW, I would want to experience things as well, but not the total freak out demonic thing, ''Hehe'' I sure would crap me pants.

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Post  Del. Tue Jun 30, 2015 5:46 am

is it more coherent to believe a Mesopotamian scribe's definition of a word, or Mr. Sitchin's? wrote:

Yes, I don't for one minute think Sitchin is 100% right, he is up there with world renown scholars but they do get things wrong at times.
He has a new book coming out in September this year, ''THE ANUNNAKI CHRONICLES'' I wonder what new delights he will enlighten us with.Wouldn't mind a read of it though...Wink

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Post  Jim Tue Jun 30, 2015 9:50 am

Sitchin isn't "up there" with anybody ... he made all this shit up - he was never a scholar. Sitchin is part of the great contamination factor in this subject, and people are still quoting his characters. The person I quoted from the other site just posted that over the last couple of months - people are STILL reading his shit and believing it.

Dr Heiser's approach was to eliminate Sitchin's BS once and for all.

Just wanted to add this ... I heard from one of the people "we are supposed to trust for help" in this subject. After explaining everything I was told:

thanks for your honesty. In the end it really is up to each of us to make up our own mind what to choose to believe

Really? dunno We are SO screwed. whistle

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"People all follow dead end roads and never realize they are indeed dead ends."
(From an experience.)
It isn't that they can't see the solution, it's that they can't see the problem.
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
Once upon a time, in addition to the Secret, there was a legend (and perhaps also a cosmogonic myth), but the superficial men of the Phoenix have forgotten it, and today they conserve only the obscure tradition of some cosmic punishment…
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Post  Dreamwalker Tue Jun 30, 2015 3:19 pm

I dont think anyone is a hundred per cent right,or wrong for that matter.i do think a lot of people have parts that make sense to them,sometimes too others too.if anyone was right they would have all the answers and no one does.or if they do they sure arent talking about it.
i dont think there is a one size fits all answer,we are each following individual paths,and have individual belief systems,i think with a lot of channellings,predictions,etc they are meant for the experiencer,no one else.
i do also believe there is a collective thing going on too,but what that will be prove to be,who knows.i mean with those that see this stuff,experience stuff,heal,channel ,whatever.i think that is all for a reason,some future reason.
If the abduction,scary experience stuff is all a paranormal game Jim,if they are putting stuff into peoples minds,they have to be very powerful,intelligent and all knowing about those they are messing with.

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Post  Dreamwalker Tue Jun 30, 2015 3:22 pm

Del. wrote:
Dreamwalker wrote:What about those that have experienced stuff but didnt have the fear guessing you dont and neither do i,i would bet theres quite a few who feel similar,i would go more towards hoping it would happen to me so i could find out stuff.consciously too,i would want to experience it.

I know what you are saying DW, I would want to experience things as well, but not the total freak out demonic thing, ''Hehe'' I sure would crap me pants.

You know what Del,i dont think you would.people are a lot stronger/braver than they know when it comes down to it,believe me........we all react totally differently in unusual situations,than we believe we would.

Not sure why the quote box is blank here lol.

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Post  sunbern Tue Jun 30, 2015 4:30 pm

I believe this is somewhere near where we all entered the room .very interesting ,I agree with all of you to varying degrees but physical proof for all this is the hardest to compile... but even that is there if we look for it . Brenda HAS that proof I have seen her vast array of photos many taken with accompanying witnesses ,we all believe unexplainable things happen ,it is as dreamwalker so aptly puts it down to us to interpret with what information we have, what it all means .until disclosure beyond all doubt reveals whether the phenomena is spiritual or extraterrestrial we ( non experiencers ) are ( and always will be ) in the dark ....but that doesn't exclude me from my beliefs or I wouldn't even be here ..I am now on the scent ,have taken my own amazing orb pictures and seen craft that have behaved in incredible ways,i would like more of my own evidence but it's the journey that I find so fantastic and making that journey with people who I truly believe are` connected `is an awesome experience ....I feel it but I cant show it to you .... dunno

we are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances    Sir Isaac Newton  

man's search for meaning is the primary motivation in his life   Victor frankl (professor of neurology and psychiatry )                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              All I know is that being "told" stuff is generally attached to "confusion." Why is that? Well, what is it doing? It's keeping you from learning ANYTHING. Welcome to the pissed off world of the anti-aspect. If they're going down, they are taking us with them.       jim 2016

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Post  Jim Tue Jun 30, 2015 4:31 pm

Dreamwalker wrote:I dont think anyone is a hundred per cent right,or wrong for that matter.i do think a lot of people have parts that make sense to them,sometimes too others too.if anyone was right they would have all the answers and no one does.or if they do they sure arent talking about it.

That's why you go by the information, and not by "feelings." The picture is constantly in flux as new data pops up - it's added and the picture changes. Welcome to constructivism.

i dont think there is a one size fits all answer,we are each following individual paths,and have individual belief systems ...

If said "paths" were right, they'd come together at some point.

i think with a lot of channellings,predictions,etc they are meant for the experiencer,no one else.
i do also believe there is a collective thing going on too,but what that will be prove to be,who knows.i mean with those that see this stuff,experience stuff,heal,channel ,whatever.i think that is all for a reason,some future reason.

Yeah, but too, my approach basically states it's OK to believe what you want to believe in this "big pile of information." However, in that pile is the ONE THING you SHOULD KNOW ... and until that is learned the rest can wait. All of these "sources" are sending people on a journey they shouldn't be making ... that's a problem.

If the abduction,scary experience stuff is all a paranormal game Jim,if they are putting stuff into peoples minds,they have to be very powerful,intelligent and all knowing about those they are messing with.

It's not as hard as it seems. Constant monitoring of a person will give you all the information you need. Add that to overviews made by other spirits concerning other aspects of your life and the lives of friends and it's really no different than humans doing it. As far as getting into your head, they can do that - literally - and put anything they want there.

The base question is, why would ET be doing this as it is anti-climactic?

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"People all follow dead end roads and never realize they are indeed dead ends."
(From an experience.)
It isn't that they can't see the solution, it's that they can't see the problem.
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
Once upon a time, in addition to the Secret, there was a legend (and perhaps also a cosmogonic myth), but the superficial men of the Phoenix have forgotten it, and today they conserve only the obscure tradition of some cosmic punishment…
Jorge Luis Borges  Shocked

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Post  Jim Tue Jun 30, 2015 4:35 pm

sunbern wrote:I feel it but I cant show it to you .... dunno

Everyone will get to show their "approach" and "knowledge" when the time comes. Is it going to be enough? We shall see.


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"People all follow dead end roads and never realize they are indeed dead ends."
(From an experience.)
It isn't that they can't see the solution, it's that they can't see the problem.
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
Once upon a time, in addition to the Secret, there was a legend (and perhaps also a cosmogonic myth), but the superficial men of the Phoenix have forgotten it, and today they conserve only the obscure tradition of some cosmic punishment…
Jorge Luis Borges  Shocked

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