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Abduction. Empty Abduction.

Post  Dreamwalker Tue Jul 08, 2014 5:37 am

There are four parts to this,the other parts come up at the end of the video.

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Abduction. Empty Re: Abduction.

Post  Jim Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:54 am

Great stuff to eat breakfast by ....  chuckle 

Well, what do YOU think?  whistle 

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"People all follow dead end roads and never realize they are indeed dead ends."
(From an experience.)
It isn't that they can't see the solution, it's that they can't see the problem.
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
Once upon a time, in addition to the Secret, there was a legend (and perhaps also a cosmogonic myth), but the superficial men of the Phoenix have forgotten it, and today they conserve only the obscure tradition of some cosmic punishment…
Jorge Luis Borges  Shocked

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Abduction. Empty Re: Abduction.

Post  Dreamwalker Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:09 pm

Though gruesome i also find it fascinating,i havent heard anything about the British lady he mentioned investigating cases of mummified bodies being found in trees.
30,000 people missing every year is a massive amount,some could be runaways,some could of had freak accidents,some could be murders and some human abductions,but even so this doesnt account for the numbers or the strangeness of the disappearences and no one wants to know,either because they know or they have absolutely no idea,as i have said before i sometimes wonder if we give TPTB too much power. hmm 

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Abduction. Empty Re: Abduction.

Post  Jim Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:01 pm

No reason for it ... whether human or - something else - there is no logical reason for it. Can't be "medical" if it's ET, like he said, what wouldn't they already know about us?

And if some of this is ET, who the hell are they that they get away with this stuff? What is it - a free for all up there? Just do what you want and no one cares? hmm 

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"People all follow dead end roads and never realize they are indeed dead ends."
(From an experience.)
It isn't that they can't see the solution, it's that they can't see the problem.
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
Once upon a time, in addition to the Secret, there was a legend (and perhaps also a cosmogonic myth), but the superficial men of the Phoenix have forgotten it, and today they conserve only the obscure tradition of some cosmic punishment…
Jorge Luis Borges  Shocked

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Abduction. Empty Re: Abduction.

Post  moonsong Wed Jul 09, 2014 12:18 pm

Basically isnt that what the greys agreed with the American government...We will share our high tech with you and in return you will share your people so we can do what we like with them?

'There are lots of people who mistake their imagination for their memory.'
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Abduction. Empty Re: Abduction.

Post  Jim Wed Jul 09, 2014 12:47 pm

moonsong wrote:Basically isnt that what the greys agreed with the American government...We will share our high tech with you and in return you will share your people so we can do what we like with them?

Do we even know if that's true? No. The question in my head is, if TPTB (however that translates) wanted us to lose ... they 1) wouldn't tell us anything, and 2) if they did, they'd lie, and 3) they would turn this picture into a "fear-fest" ... scaring the crap out of people with BS.

My biggest problem with the "fear" aspect in this picture, is that it NEVER, EVER, ONCE, EVER happened to me in 60 years. Granted I have no idea who was behind my events, it all could have been paranormal for all I know, and the 16 months part could have been ET. I have NO clue. But I do know one thing - they cared, and they taught - on a level it took me years to figure out. I had "weird" events to figure out ... but NEVER scary - ever - to this day.

So you tell me what's going on. Good / bad - or good and bullshit.

I have to go out - be back later  Very Happy 

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"People all follow dead end roads and never realize they are indeed dead ends."
(From an experience.)
It isn't that they can't see the solution, it's that they can't see the problem.
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
Once upon a time, in addition to the Secret, there was a legend (and perhaps also a cosmogonic myth), but the superficial men of the Phoenix have forgotten it, and today they conserve only the obscure tradition of some cosmic punishment…
Jorge Luis Borges  Shocked

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Abduction. Empty Re: Abduction.

Post  moonsong Wed Jul 09, 2014 2:47 pm

Hi Jim,
I think whats going on is good, bad AND bullshit.
Theres no doubt that some have had negative experience via ET. But some have also realized a positive interaction. Theres more than one bunch of ET' you said yourself, the entities you saw were not the greys.

I think youve been blessed to have them as teachers although i realize they have made you work hard for the answers.

'There are lots of people who mistake their imagination for their memory.'
Josh Billings

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Abduction. Empty Re: Abduction.

Post  Jim Wed Jul 09, 2014 3:47 pm

moonsong wrote:Hi Jim,
I think whats going on is good, bad AND bullshit.

I'd tend to agree, but I'd just like some hard data to back things up - ask DW, I'm a pain in the foot with that  chuckle  It's been a nagging enigma since I started this part of the study in '93, and I could never get it through my head how super-advanced beings could act like complete morons. SOMEWHERE along the line, IF it is true, they HAD to have grown up ... WHAT HAPPENED?

Theres no doubt that some have had negative experience via ET. But some have also realized a positive interaction. Theres more than one bunch of ET' you said yourself, the entities you saw were not the greys.

I think youve been blessed to have them as teachers although i realize they have made you work hard for the answers.

Even that (constructivism) used to bother me because I never got it either. I used to bang my head against the wall, saying "IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY, WHY DON'T YOU JUST SAY IT?!

So far, of the two enigmas above that drove me nutz, I found the answer to one of them; the "bad ET" picture still makes me crazy. If it's a "brain" issue, it's bio-mechanical, they can FIX IT. Why don't they?  hmm 

Abduction. Point%20is

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"People all follow dead end roads and never realize they are indeed dead ends."
(From an experience.)
It isn't that they can't see the solution, it's that they can't see the problem.
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
Once upon a time, in addition to the Secret, there was a legend (and perhaps also a cosmogonic myth), but the superficial men of the Phoenix have forgotten it, and today they conserve only the obscure tradition of some cosmic punishment…
Jorge Luis Borges  Shocked

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Abduction. Empty Re: Abduction.

Post  Dreamwalker Wed Jul 09, 2014 5:55 pm

Yep i think Moonsong knows you are hard data crazy Jim  whistle 
Does the fear aspect come about through,the unknown and lack of understanding,im thinking of abduction experiences here,most people would find it pretty scary to be taken and experimented upon.
i think some of those abduction experiences are also military abductions/experiments.
i wonder if any abductees brains or D.N.A has been looked at after they have died to see if there are any changes or differences there.

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Abduction. Empty Re: Abduction.

Post  Jim Wed Jul 09, 2014 8:40 pm

Dreamwalker wrote:Yep i think Moonsong knows you are hard data crazy Jim  whistle 
Does the fear aspect come about through,the unknown and lack of understanding,im thinking of abduction experiences here,most people would find it pretty scary to be taken and experimented upon.

Well like I said in the other post, the ONLY difference between "them and me" is that I chose a side. DW, you chose a side too ... any abductions in YOUR life? How about Moonsong? Hmm ... then there's the Brewmeister LOL.

i think some of those abduction experiences are also military abductions/experiments.
i wonder if any abductees brains or D.N.A has been looked at after they have died to see if there are any changes or differences there.

We really have no clue if military abductions even exist - for all we know it could be paranormal implants of pictures while they sleep - which I personally believe account for A LOT of alleged "alien abductions."

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"People all follow dead end roads and never realize they are indeed dead ends."
(From an experience.)
It isn't that they can't see the solution, it's that they can't see the problem.
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
Once upon a time, in addition to the Secret, there was a legend (and perhaps also a cosmogonic myth), but the superficial men of the Phoenix have forgotten it, and today they conserve only the obscure tradition of some cosmic punishment…
Jorge Luis Borges  Shocked

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Abduction. Empty Re: Abduction.

Post  Dreamwalker Wed Jul 09, 2014 9:56 pm

Interesting point you made their about choosing a side.the subject has always interested me since i was very young,i believed before my parents had their sighting when i was around 8/9 give or take a year,their sighting confirmed existence for me because i knew they would never lie.the sighting was seen over a number of areas in my county,it also made the local news,and is on the one of the data base sites.
Do you think this could tie in with you get what you give out,as in if you are negative,you attract that back,positivity attracts positivity.
by putting out there an interest,belief and no fear about or negativity,we dont get a negative experience.i have actively called them and put out that i want connection,sightings etc.maybe i should start doing it again.
your interest and wanting answers lets this stuff happen to you.

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Abduction. Empty Re: Abduction.

Post  Jim Thu Jul 10, 2014 12:53 am

I have no clue - all I can do is guess. Technically, we shouldn't be in this mess but our wonderful ancestors lost everything and now we are screwed.

I just do NOT understand how hyper-intelligent beings can act like morons. It NEVER made an ounce of sense to me. Intelligence does NOT work like that. Even people here on this planet can understand that, and those who can't HAVE A BRAIN PROBLEM!

Abduction. Point%20is

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"People all follow dead end roads and never realize they are indeed dead ends."
(From an experience.)
It isn't that they can't see the solution, it's that they can't see the problem.
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
Once upon a time, in addition to the Secret, there was a legend (and perhaps also a cosmogonic myth), but the superficial men of the Phoenix have forgotten it, and today they conserve only the obscure tradition of some cosmic punishment…
Jorge Luis Borges  Shocked

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Abduction. Empty Re: Abduction.

Post  Dreamwalker Thu Jul 10, 2014 10:52 pm


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Abduction. Empty Re: Abduction.

Post  Jim Thu Jul 10, 2014 10:57 pm

Right off the bat - WHAT??

In the fifties, the EBEs, (Greys) began taking large numbers of humans for experiments.

Abduction. Point%20is

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"People all follow dead end roads and never realize they are indeed dead ends."
(From an experience.)
It isn't that they can't see the solution, it's that they can't see the problem.
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
Once upon a time, in addition to the Secret, there was a legend (and perhaps also a cosmogonic myth), but the superficial men of the Phoenix have forgotten it, and today they conserve only the obscure tradition of some cosmic punishment…
Jorge Luis Borges  Shocked

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Abduction. Empty Re: Abduction.

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