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Crazy Dreamtime.

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Crazy Dreamtime. Empty Crazy Dreamtime.

Post  Dreamwalker Sun Apr 05, 2015 3:07 pm

Since the recent partial eclipse,i have been having crazy dreams every night.very real but some are really odd.

A week or so back i dreamt i was making my daughters bed and there was an earthquake,ive felt three earthquakes in my life,none were as loud as the one in my was so real i actually asked my son if we had an earthquake when i woke up.

Last week i had a dream that i was smashing this mand head in with my moonstone crystal,i had to kill this man.i was with someone my Moonstone is quite small so it took a lot of effort to kill him,ihe was on the floor,i was holding his head with one hand and smashing my moonstone in to his head with the other,i could feel his head,my moonstone in my hand etc.

On friday night i had a dream which started off in a park,there were children there.a nurse came over to me,in the next scene we were walking up some white stairs ,there were two long flights,with like a small landing before the second flight,then a small landing again and maybe six or seven more was in a huge warehouse type building with black corrugated sides,no windows.the nurse was carrying a jar that contained a baby,she was telling me how careful we needed to be carrying this baby in a jar.she carried it for the first two flights then handed it to me,when i looked down it was a proper baby,that was very wriggly and naked,i was really worried that i may drop it and was holding it very close to my chest ,as i was walking up the stairs i could feel my sandals moving as i lifted my foot to go up the next step,and this was why i was worried that i would trip and drop the baby. (i never wear sandals).as we got to the top of the stairs it opened out into a huge apartment,with other adults there,i could feel them but not see them.the apartment had small windows but was very large,and open plan.we walked over to the kitchen area and i put the baby down on the black work surface,but by now it had turned back into a baby in a jar but with a pointed face and alien type eyes that were closed.

Last night i had a dream that an owl came and perched on my knee,it was a barn owl,i was stroking his feathers and could feel how soft but also how springy they were.the owl and i had a long chat,he told me stuff that i dont remember at this time.i know he was a messenger and also sent to give me some healing. Very Happy

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Crazy Dreamtime. Empty Re: Crazy Dreamtime.

Post  Jim Sun Apr 05, 2015 5:44 pm

Just curious ... what's your take? I'm no good in this department - I haven't had a dream in rem sleep in 11 years next month.

Crazy Dreamtime. Point%20is

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"People all follow dead end roads and never realize they are indeed dead ends."
(From an experience.)
It isn't that they can't see the solution, it's that they can't see the problem.
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
Once upon a time, in addition to the Secret, there was a legend (and perhaps also a cosmogonic myth), but the superficial men of the Phoenix have forgotten it, and today they conserve only the obscure tradition of some cosmic punishment…
Jorge Luis Borges  Shocked

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Crazy Dreamtime. Empty Re: Crazy Dreamtime.

Post  Dreamwalker Sun Apr 05, 2015 6:46 pm

Good question Jim.
firstly its unusual for me to remember them every night,its usually,my dreams of future events or travelling dreams i remember.
they were all very real.
i believe the earthquake was a warning of forthcoming events.that could be a real earthquake or an upheavel in my personal life,which has happened this past week.
If the dream of the man i killed had been a woman i would know who it was about,so it being a man im  not quite sure.
said woman is to do with the upheavel,my long held intuition of her motives and her real persona which goes back to last summer and the falling outbetween my partner and i,have been proved to be spot on.i knew she had been working something,some dark energy,i knew what happened was so over the top,it had been orchestrated by someone else.she has been proved to be a fake,two faced,using liar.another one who promotes herself as spiritual,connected etc etc,all bullshit.
The baby one totally not fitting into the others here,i have been told these kind can sometimes relate to abduction scenarios in which it is important for the human woman to hold these babys,so something im pondering on,the nurse was in uniform,it was in a warehouse,there were small windows in the apartment.
The owl was a messenger,and sent for some healing.the chat i believe was to come to terms with some aspects of the upheavel involving the fake,it has had wider repurcussions with other freinds,again whom deem themselves spiritual and connected,and has shown them not to be what they claim and also having huge ego problems,the need for validation from others etc etc.
there is a lot more to this but this is a basic rundown.
what has been eye opening again,is the amount of liars,fakes and bullshitters there are in the spiritual community,and a lesson,those that shout loudest and need the spotlight are fakes,the ones that are real are those quietly getting on with it,without ego,or the need to be heard.real people like you and i who have a much bigger connection,some people are very threatended by this as has been proven to me recently.
ETA.there could also be a connection between the owl and the alien dream from the previous will see where this goes.

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Crazy Dreamtime. Empty Re: Crazy Dreamtime.

Post  Jim Sun Apr 05, 2015 10:11 pm

So how do you differentiate scenarios like that - from plain ol' dreams?

Crazy Dreamtime. Point%20is

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"People all follow dead end roads and never realize they are indeed dead ends."
(From an experience.)
It isn't that they can't see the solution, it's that they can't see the problem.
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
Once upon a time, in addition to the Secret, there was a legend (and perhaps also a cosmogonic myth), but the superficial men of the Phoenix have forgotten it, and today they conserve only the obscure tradition of some cosmic punishment…
Jorge Luis Borges  Shocked

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Crazy Dreamtime. Empty Re: Crazy Dreamtime.

Post  Dreamwalker Mon Apr 06, 2015 12:24 am

Hard to explain Jim,its like they are realer than real,more vibrant,you feel in them,are aware of sensations,like touch and know you are dreaming so can interact in the dream in a different way.all components of the dream are real life,no dream elements if that makes sense.also they stay with you,you remember them in detail,and a feeling,you just know its different.
They are different from predictive dreams,in those im just an observer watching the event happen.

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Crazy Dreamtime. Empty Re: Crazy Dreamtime.

Post  Jim Mon Apr 06, 2015 3:57 am

Dreamwalker wrote:Hard to explain Jim,its like they are realer than real,more vibrant,you feel in them,are aware of sensations,like touch and know you are dreaming so can interact in the dream in a different way.all components of the dream are real life,no dream elements if that makes sense.also they stay with you,you remember them in detail,and a feeling,you just know its different.
They are different from predictive dreams,in those im just an observer watching the event happen.

No - never anything in a category like that in my life. Even during the "weird phase" of my experiences, when the UFO subject was added to study (something I had no clue even existed), I was suddenly having weird dreams with an alien or etheric context. I treated it like - there was nothing to learn, so I dismissed it all as day residue dreams. Today I might be tempted to add the "anti-aspect" approach, where this stuff was "injected" into my brain to - scare me? Like when I came to floating in the kitchen, and was suddenly pushed hard so I floated down the hall. I guess I was supposed to freak out - sorry - homie don't freak out LOL ... But anyway, nothing like you describe.

What I don't get is - if these dreams of yours are anything, why is it you really have no clue what they mean? If you were being told something, wouldn't it be more - obvious? scratch

Crazy Dreamtime. Point%20is

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"People all follow dead end roads and never realize they are indeed dead ends."
(From an experience.)
It isn't that they can't see the solution, it's that they can't see the problem.
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
Once upon a time, in addition to the Secret, there was a legend (and perhaps also a cosmogonic myth), but the superficial men of the Phoenix have forgotten it, and today they conserve only the obscure tradition of some cosmic punishment…
Jorge Luis Borges  Shocked

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Crazy Dreamtime. Empty Re: Crazy Dreamtime.

Post  Dreamwalker Mon Apr 06, 2015 1:45 pm

Well some of them relate to stuff going on,they fit.With the owl one i had asked for a sighn ,related to some work i had done regarding the recent situation,in the dream i knew the owl was a sighn.the moonstone one is a little confusing,but could be related to past/parallel it could be the person in question but in male form,or it could be one of the males involved,time will reveal i guess.
The only one that doesnt fit here is the alien baby one,i dont know what that means so its puzzling.
Now i know you dont go in for much of what i have written here,because there is no proof as you like to see,but to me this is proof and i can relate to most of it.
also the same with the past lives thing,we have different ideas and beliefs,and thats okay.we have no definitive proof that either of us are right or wrong.
i do take in what you say,since discussing things with you,i have looked at some stuff in a different way and i do believe with the connection thing and who are we really connecting with,you do have i keep all this in mind too.
What i have learnt from this latest episode it to carry on trusting my own intuition,because its usually good.And not to get involved with any spiritual groups because they are full of people with huge egos and hidden stay as i am and keep doing my stuff on my own because thats the best way for me. Smile

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Crazy Dreamtime. Empty Re: Crazy Dreamtime.

Post  Jim Tue Apr 07, 2015 5:28 pm

Believe me, I DO get it. I was kind of like that myself 45 years ago, but i was taught to think like I do now by my experiences. There has to be a reason - but "we" have never gone down that road, and it looks like they have no intention of discussing it LOL ...

Crazy Dreamtime. Point%20is

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"People all follow dead end roads and never realize they are indeed dead ends."
(From an experience.)
It isn't that they can't see the solution, it's that they can't see the problem.
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
Once upon a time, in addition to the Secret, there was a legend (and perhaps also a cosmogonic myth), but the superficial men of the Phoenix have forgotten it, and today they conserve only the obscure tradition of some cosmic punishment…
Jorge Luis Borges  Shocked

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Crazy Dreamtime. Empty Re: Crazy Dreamtime.

Post  sunbern Thu Apr 09, 2015 4:26 pm

thanks for sharing your dream experiences with us dreamwalker ,there are so many paralells with what you have posted to brendas `dream` messages ...

we are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances    Sir Isaac Newton  

man's search for meaning is the primary motivation in his life   Victor frankl (professor of neurology and psychiatry )                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              All I know is that being "told" stuff is generally attached to "confusion." Why is that? Well, what is it doing? It's keeping you from learning ANYTHING. Welcome to the pissed off world of the anti-aspect. If they're going down, they are taking us with them.       jim 2016

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Crazy Dreamtime. Empty Re: Crazy Dreamtime.

Post  Dreamwalker Fri Apr 10, 2015 12:19 am

Thanks Bernie,i am still having these odd dreams.These are more to do with the recent situation going on in my personal life,much of which is on an energetic level.any more worth writing about i will post. Smile

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Crazy Dreamtime. Empty Re: Crazy Dreamtime.

Post  Scottish Lassie Sat Oct 17, 2015 5:56 pm

Hi Dreamwalker, Usually a baby means something new coming iinto your life which will be beneficial for you in some way, so because of the fact that the baby seemed to be Alien, it will no doubt be related to Alien activity. As for bashing someone's head, that is a sign of frustration on your part, so I you have to ask youreself, what is in my life that is causing me to be frustrated. An owl ofcourse, always represents wisdom.

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Crazy Dreamtime. Empty Re: Crazy Dreamtime.

Post  Scottish Lassie Sat Oct 17, 2015 6:10 pm

I forgot to add, that I had the experience that I was out in space and looking at the planet Earth, which suddenly started to shake back and forth, I then found myself back on earth and I could see the ground opened up with red brimstone showing. I got the impression that there had been a tremendous earthquake, so that might be something that is ahead for us?

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Crazy Dreamtime. Empty Re: Crazy Dreamtime.

Post  sunbern Sun Oct 18, 2015 4:22 am

hi Scottish lassie keep looking cos this area is just about to get very interesting ,hopefully we can persuade dreamwalker to return and jim to just watch ( on this thread only mate ) for a little while .ridicule is not needed because you have all in your own realities seen what you describe... we can all discuss each others experiences and maybe ( eventually ) ask jim to comment too .I have to say I totally see things from every angle having spent so long on this forum and all input is discussion worthy I feel .anyway if we can get together I will ask Brenda to ask you a few questions Scottish lassie ...if that is ok ?

we are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances    Sir Isaac Newton  

man's search for meaning is the primary motivation in his life   Victor frankl (professor of neurology and psychiatry )                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              All I know is that being "told" stuff is generally attached to "confusion." Why is that? Well, what is it doing? It's keeping you from learning ANYTHING. Welcome to the pissed off world of the anti-aspect. If they're going down, they are taking us with them.       jim 2016

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Crazy Dreamtime. Empty Re: Crazy Dreamtime.

Post  Jim Mon Oct 19, 2015 8:56 am

You can do what you want in this thread ... I'll just sit back and watch hmm

Crazy Dreamtime. Point%20is

If you want to read my notes, click here - there's a PDF link at the bottom of the page:
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"People all follow dead end roads and never realize they are indeed dead ends."
(From an experience.)
It isn't that they can't see the solution, it's that they can't see the problem.
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
Once upon a time, in addition to the Secret, there was a legend (and perhaps also a cosmogonic myth), but the superficial men of the Phoenix have forgotten it, and today they conserve only the obscure tradition of some cosmic punishment…
Jorge Luis Borges  Shocked

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Crazy Dreamtime. Empty Re: Crazy Dreamtime.

Post  sunbern Mon Oct 19, 2015 9:29 am

bless you my son cheers

we are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances    Sir Isaac Newton  

man's search for meaning is the primary motivation in his life   Victor frankl (professor of neurology and psychiatry )                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              All I know is that being "told" stuff is generally attached to "confusion." Why is that? Well, what is it doing? It's keeping you from learning ANYTHING. Welcome to the pissed off world of the anti-aspect. If they're going down, they are taking us with them.       jim 2016

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Crazy Dreamtime. Empty Re: Crazy Dreamtime.

Post  Brenda Marguerite Wed Oct 21, 2015 7:23 am

your experiences are as real to you as mine were to me scottish lassie ,never feel constrained or frustrated keeping them to yourself because there are a lot of us out here you certainly ar'nt alone ,if there is anything you are struggling with in relation to your experiences ,dreamwalker and i will try to help you explain what you have been through it might help you to feel more at ease with it if you would sooner email me at brenda.butler1@outlook . i will be here for you . x

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Crazy Dreamtime. Empty Re: Crazy Dreamtime.

Post  sunbern Sun Jul 17, 2016 12:33 pm just been looking at this ,i'm guessing it's about as close as we get to experiencing what it is like in another dimension or where our soul travels when our lives end ? or do you just think it is a halucinagenic `trip` ???

we are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances    Sir Isaac Newton  

man's search for meaning is the primary motivation in his life   Victor frankl (professor of neurology and psychiatry )                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              All I know is that being "told" stuff is generally attached to "confusion." Why is that? Well, what is it doing? It's keeping you from learning ANYTHING. Welcome to the pissed off world of the anti-aspect. If they're going down, they are taking us with them.       jim 2016

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Crazy Dreamtime. Empty Re: Crazy Dreamtime.

Post  sunbern Tue Jul 19, 2016 6:58 am

recently read that some cases of insanity may be caused by two souls in one body fighting it out for would account ( maybe ) for the strange behaviour of the spirits that we contact .perhaps one of the souls is left behind and is in a state of confusion ...

we are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances    Sir Isaac Newton  

man's search for meaning is the primary motivation in his life   Victor frankl (professor of neurology and psychiatry )                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              All I know is that being "told" stuff is generally attached to "confusion." Why is that? Well, what is it doing? It's keeping you from learning ANYTHING. Welcome to the pissed off world of the anti-aspect. If they're going down, they are taking us with them.       jim 2016

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Crazy Dreamtime. Empty Re: Crazy Dreamtime.

Post  Brenda Marguerite Thu Jul 21, 2016 1:47 pm

I guess it is what you yourself believe happen to you when you pass over. I certainly don't believe their are other souls inhabit our bodies. I have never heard anyone say this, When you do a O of B, I have never seen anyone else come with me. Or be there when I come back. There is a whole load of rubbish out there, go with your gut feeling what you believe, not what others tell you. Saying all this I have something in my shoulder that wont give it a rest day and night right now. Something completely different to what you are talking about though. Hope you ok DreamWalker.

Brenda Marguerite

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Crazy Dreamtime. Empty Re: Crazy Dreamtime.

Post  sunbern Thu Jul 21, 2016 2:57 pm

wish joe would join us too,tell me something cos I think you misconstrued me I was only meaning folks who have split personalities and have jekyl and hyde charachters,was talking to jake today ( he is very interested in the paranormal ) he told me that his kitchen hot tap was turning itself on after he had turned it off ,he said he wouldn't have mentioned it but it had happened several times ,one of his best mates committed suicide two years ago ,I told him he may be trying to message him ,perhaps he needs a medium to pass the messages on ,I know you can give me an answer what would you tell him to do ?

we are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances    Sir Isaac Newton  

man's search for meaning is the primary motivation in his life   Victor frankl (professor of neurology and psychiatry )                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              All I know is that being "told" stuff is generally attached to "confusion." Why is that? Well, what is it doing? It's keeping you from learning ANYTHING. Welcome to the pissed off world of the anti-aspect. If they're going down, they are taking us with them.       jim 2016

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Crazy Dreamtime. Empty Re: Crazy Dreamtime.

Post  Dreamwalker Thu Jul 21, 2016 3:36 pm

I have read of something similar to what you describe Bernie, it was about walk ins. i have read that this is quite rare, and whether true i have no idea. I had an experience in which something was looking out of my eyes, and it wasnt me, i was behind it. so going on that maybe its possible. i read a fascinating account back in 2012/13, about a cave in a desert somewhere, iirc there was a lady whom used to go there and chat to her guide, and he was replaced by another guide, it was something along those lines but went into much greater detail,ive been looking for that story but cant find it anywhere,im sure walk ins were spoken about in that. perhaps its like a possession type thing Bernie,or attachment,when people are depressed or ill they can be on quite a low vibration, making it easier for something negative to get hold.

As for your freind, if hes seeing activity happen then hes aware and connected at those times,tell him to go with his own intuition and to trust it, he could try talking to his freind to see if he gets any response.

Hi Brenda im okay thankyou, just dealing with a few issues, in regards to my son and his pip, i loathe this uncaring government we have, intent on hurting the most vunerable in society.just trying to keep myself positive. Smile

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Crazy Dreamtime. Empty Re: Crazy Dreamtime.

Post  sunbern Thu Jul 21, 2016 3:52 pm

thanks for coming on here sam ,good answer too ,I will give him your advice .we have a friend for who Brenda regularly gets messages and they have helped him through a very difficult time just recently .do you pm moonsong ,Sam ? she came on facebook for a while after her illness and now she has gone again .I do hope she is ok ..Sam you are very sensitive to change do you think there is a timeshift going on at the mo ? it's as if the world's heart is skipping a beat ...

we are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances    Sir Isaac Newton  

man's search for meaning is the primary motivation in his life   Victor frankl (professor of neurology and psychiatry )                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              All I know is that being "told" stuff is generally attached to "confusion." Why is that? Well, what is it doing? It's keeping you from learning ANYTHING. Welcome to the pissed off world of the anti-aspect. If they're going down, they are taking us with them.       jim 2016

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Crazy Dreamtime. Empty Re: Crazy Dreamtime.

Post  Dreamwalker Thu Jul 21, 2016 4:34 pm

Hi Bernie, i havent seen Moonsong post either. i will message her and see if she replies, i hope shes okay too, maybe just having a break from fb. i miss her coming here, i like what she has to say.

There certainly seems to be a lot going on at the moment, i think there are a lot of people who have woken up recently. whether its a time shift or not im not sure, but it would make sense.

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Crazy Dreamtime. Empty Re: Crazy Dreamtime.

Post  sunbern Fri Jul 22, 2016 3:28 am

the more people connect to nature the quicker we will find our way ( humanity ) we now have developed the technology we need, it just remains to rediscover our roots and live in harmony and peace ,we could learn so much from the primitive peoples of this earth,yes they have had their traumatic moments but the lessons they can teach us about living in harmony with mother nature are invaluable.we now need to think globally ( although I still adhere to individuality as a nation ) and learn torespect and embrace other cultures far more warmly than we have in the past.I see the uk playing a leading role in this now in complete contrast to our chequered history ! if we show respect for the earth we will be guaranteed a future ( barring major natural disasters )...

we are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances    Sir Isaac Newton  

man's search for meaning is the primary motivation in his life   Victor frankl (professor of neurology and psychiatry )                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              All I know is that being "told" stuff is generally attached to "confusion." Why is that? Well, what is it doing? It's keeping you from learning ANYTHING. Welcome to the pissed off world of the anti-aspect. If they're going down, they are taking us with them.       jim 2016

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